Using Technology in Education

We have been using technology so much these days in each and every domain of our lives, be it education or the regular household work, that have we ever taken out a second to wonder if it’s leaving a positive impact on our work or it’s just that we have been relying too much on it that we’ve become habitual to it, ignoring the direction of its impact?
Say for instance, is technology causing education to improve over time or have we just been catching up with the trend of educational technology.

Earlier, technology in education was a debatable topic amongst the society. Everyone had their own views on modernizing education and making it technology aided. There were a huge number of positives and negatives to education technology. But, gradually as technology was embraced by the educational institutes, they realized the importance of technology in education. Its positives outnumbered the negatives and now, with technology, education has taken a whole new meaning that it leaves us with no doubt that our educational system has been transformed owing to the ever-advancing technology. Technology and education are a great combination if used together with a right reason and vision.
Here are some of the ways in which technology improves education over time:
  • Teachers can collaborate to share their ideas and resources online: They can communicate with others across the world in an instant, meet the shortcomings of their work, refine it and provide their students with the best. This approach definitely enhances the practice of teaching.
  • Students can develop valuable research skills at a young age: Technology gives students immediate access to an abundance of quality information which leads to learning at much quicker rates than before.
  • Students and teachers have access to an expanse of material: There are plenty of resourceful, credible websites available on the Internet that both teachers and students can utilize. The Internet also provides a variety of knowledge and doesn’t limit students to one person’s opinion.
  • Online learning is now an equally credible option: Face-to-face interaction is huge, especially in the younger years, but some students work better when they can go at their own pace. Online education is now accredited and has changed the way we view education.
 Source :


 Before I upload some photos, I want to give big thanks for my beloved customers. But, the photos only some of my customers because I can't upload too much photos. Once again, thanks a lot, dear!

Della & Reyna

Feni (my family) & Rezi

Nufi & Nia

Sahala & Agung

Noni & Nini

Are you curious that the taste all of the cakes? So, what are you waiting for? Further information, you can contact me by BBM. Thanks :)

Simple Tips to Gain Weight

Many people want to get a slim body especially someone who wants to diet. But, skinny people will find that transforming their body is tough and results are hard to come by. That's I need. Really, I want to gaining my weight.However, with the right diet, exercise and attitude – nothing is impossible. Here are 10 simple tips that’ll help you gain weight and put on muscle. Let's check it out!
1.  Try eating 5 to 6 meals a day
In order to gain weight, you need to start eating a lot of meals. However, it is important that you break these meals into parts as eating a lot at once may result in indigestion and your body may not be able to absorb all the calories. You may not find yourself too hungry 3 hours after eating lunch, but eat anyway and notice how your appetite increases from day to day.
2.  Do weight training at least 3 times a week
When you train with weights, your muscles will grow.  Also, it is important that you gradually keep increasing the weight with which you train. As you train, your strength will increase and you shouldn’t find it exceptionally difficult to do so.  For eg., if you are doing lateral pull downs with 60 pounds of weight, try and increase it to 70 pounds the next time.
3.  Eat 300-500 calories more than your body burns
Eating 300-500 calories more than your normal intake may not be easy, but you must do it if you want to stop being skinny. Make sure you don’t do it just by over-eating at once, but instead do it gradually over the whole day. Consult a dietician to figure out how much you should eat each day. 
4.  Don’t just aim for visual gains, work out your back and leg muscles too
There are some muscles you can clearly see and admire in the mirror and some muscles you cannot. A lot of gym goers usually train only the muscles on their arms, chest and shoulders and this is a grave error. Firstly, it will give you a disproportionate body that not many people like. Also, it will make you prone to injuries. Therefore, make sure you workout your entire body.
5.  Load up on protein
You know that you have to consume 300-500 more calories than your normal intake every day, but don’t try and do this by eating junk food. Try to eat foods rich in protein like cheese, meat, eggs, etc.

6.  Drink your calories
It may be tough to meet your calorie requirements by just eating. Drinking milk, milkshakes or protein shakes with little or no sugar can be a great way to load up on calories.
7.  Try and eat fast (but don’t choke on it)
People who are trying to lose weight are advised exactly the opposite but for the same reason. Your body takes some time to give signals of satiety which is why eating fast can help you eat more.
8.  Focus on recovery after each workout
Stretching exercises, showers, foods rich in carbohydrates can help recover your body significantly. Also, you should aim for 8 hours of sleep as inadequate sleep can cause several problems.
9.  Don’t expect immediate gains
Hoping to gain weight quickly in a healthy manner is unrealistic. Even if you follow all the advice that is there, you may end up gaining just 2-5 pounds in a month. Every body is different, and just because you are not seeing results in terms of weight gain, you shouldn’t feel discouraged. Living healthy will make you feel better and more positive about life and increase your strength, and if those things are happening then you’re doing it right. Don’t worry, with the right attitude, you will gain weight.
10.  Believe
Following your regime may seem incredibly difficult if you don’t believe that you will one day be able to transform your body. If you are not seeing any gains even after working so hard, work harder. Eat more, lift more and stay inspired.

I hope this post can help someone who want to gain their weight. Let's try!

Effect of Sleeping Late

Sleeping late at night will cause bad effects to your health. Those people who sleep late at night had these high intellectual aspects .The bad effects of sleeping late at night are the following:

1. When you sleep late at night, it will affect your eyes health. Sleeping late is not good habit especially it will damage your beautiful eyes. You will not see the effect in it immediately but maybe when you grow older, you will experience eyes defects.

2. It will also contribute stress. Being stress is so hassle in our part, right? I know all of us are experiencing stress but we need to cope up with it because if we can’t, our performance in a day will be affected. We just feel tired and bored all day then we cannot finish work properly and in time. We just don’t want that to happen, right?

3. It will cause headache and body aches. That headache will be come to migraine if you will always sleep late at night.

4. Sleeping late at night always will cause different disease that maybe we will suffer when we grow older.

That are some of those bad effects that we can get when we will sleep late at night. So, we better minimize it. Let’s us control and when we don’t have any work to do at night that seem so important then we better sleep.

Source :


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Cheese Cake


Pandan Chocolate Cake

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Mother's Sacrifice

Do you love your mother? Of course! In this video tells about A sacrifice of mother. The presenter Dave Morris from Network TV tells about a pregnant mom, Stacie Crimm, she refused chemotherapy and died to save her unborn child. For the past few years, she had a hard time to getting pregnant, and at the age of 41, she finally got her chance. She was incredible happy. She always wanted to be a mother. At two o’clock in the afternoon, she lost her awareness and the oxygen level drop into 50%. Her brother, Ray Phillips, said that “when she saw the picture, she cried, and she wanna hold the baby”. She told and she had a tumor brain. She just have 2 decision, she did chemotherapy or maintain the pregnancy. Finally, she choose to save her unborn daughter. When Stacie Crimm’s body was getting down, the doctor did an emergency surgery. The baby born out premature and just 2 pound. She was rush into intensive medical room in different building before Stacie Crim could even see. Finally, Stacie Crimm can see her own daughter with glove and mask. The baby sleep beside her, she was happy, cried, but she can’t talk. When the baby smiling, she’s so beautiful. After that, Stacy got coma. She died 3 days later and the baby adopted by his brother, Ray Phillips. Love your parents, especially mother. Always love her everyday, everytime, everysecond. Actually, she struggled between "Life" and "Death"..
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